Sorry about the bad quality of the picture. But, I took it through the side van windows as we passed this guy.
Yes. He is going somewhere. With 2 sheep strapped to the back of his motorcycle.
Did I mention they were LIVE sheep??
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,”
Says the LORD of hosts,
If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Malachi 3:10
And Jesus said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Matthew 22:21
"You're so vaaain
You pro'lly think this blog is aboutchoo
You're so vaaaaiiiinnn!"
"Likewise, ye women, adorn thyself with the longest hair possible so as to cover the unseemly parts of your face during picture taking."
"Ohhhh. Poor thing. What are you doing to him? What do you want, my love? This?? This?? Let me buy you a sucker..."
Disclaimer #1: In making my comparisons, I am by no means condoling a life-style that has "on-the-sides". Haha.
Disclaimer #2: I do not profess to be the keeper of all knowledge on this topic. Just my observations. Humble observations. Mm-hmm.
Ah, I will need to go into some explanatory ramblings at this point. So, we lost our debit card last week, which means--no cash. I got a new one ordered, but it's looking like it could be around a month before we get the mail again. I was thinking we could just use our credit card and transfer from our checking in that marvelous thing called online banking. That will work for a month, right?? Oops. Forgot we live in Mexico. Where at least 70% of the businesses here don't have credit card machines. Got the brilliant idea to "PayPal" some money over to our partners-in-crime here, my aunt and uncle, and have them be our ATM machine for a while. Last night, I transferred money to them... and I knew it takes about 3-5 days for them to get it. I called our bank just to make sure our credit card would be fine for use (we've used it before, but in the last couple weeks it hadn't been working). They said, "Yep. No problem."
"Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him... Jesus Christ is Lord of all... through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.” (Acts 10)
Mack--"So you are telling my that whenever we humans protect ourselves with power..." Jesus: "...You are yielding to the matrix and not to us."
Holy Spirit: "Broken humans... are addicted to power or the illusion of security that power brings them."
HS--"Rights are where survivors go so they won't have to work on relationships." Mack: "But if I gave up" HS: "..then you would begin to know the adventure and wonder of living in me."
Jesus: "To force my will on you is exactly what love does not do... submission is not about authority and it is not obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect... I want relationship, not slaves to my will... When I am your life, submission is the most natural expression of my character and nature"
God: "All evil flows from independence and independence is your choice."
Holy Spirit: "Those who are afraid of freedom are those who cannot trust us to live in them. Trying to keep the law is actually a declaration of independence, a way of keeping control... It grants you the power to judge others and feel superior to them."
Jesus: "By choosing to declare what is good and evil you seek to determine your own destiny... Before [Eve's] choosing, she found her identity, her security and her understanding of good and evil only in me, as did [Adam]."
Wisdom: "Papa has never needed evil to accomplish his good purpose.... what happened to [your daughter] was the work of evil and no one in your world is immune from it."
God: "Just because I work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies doesn't mean I orchestrate the tragedies."
Jesus: "Our earth is like a child who has grown up without parents, having no one to guide and direct her."
God-- nothing can justify this tragedy: "We are not justifying it. We are redeeming it."
God (to the question: what did Jesus accomplish on the cross): "Through his death and resurrection, I am now completely reconciled to the world... Reconciliation is a two-way street, and I have done my part, totally, completely, finally. It is not the nature of love to force a relationship, but it is the nature of love to open the way."
THE TRINITYThe Trinity: "I am a verb. I am that I am who I will be. I am a verb! I am alive, dynamic, ever active, and moving. I am a being verb.. My very essence is a verb. I am more attuned to verbs than nouns. Verbs such as confessing, repenting, living, loving, responding...and on and on. Humans, on the other hand, have a knack for taking a verb that is alive and full of grace and turning it into a dead noun or principle that reeks of rules: something growing and alive dies.... Let's use your words: responsibility and expectation. Before your words became nouns, they were first my words, nouns with movement and experience buried inside of them; the ability to respond and expectancy. My words are alive and dynamic--full of life and possibility; yours are dead and full of law and fear and judgment."
Wisdom: "You have even judged the value of a person's life by your concept of beauty."