Whenever anyone hears we're having a girl...they always seem so estatic. Almost relieved. They give me that special, insider's look that says, "You finally got what you really wanted."
And, I am super excited to be having a girl. But, I think deep-down I was kind of feeling like a baby boy would be easier. There's the obvious, shallow reason: way less new clothing needed! But, I honestly feel more nervous about the parenting aspect with a girl.
I feel like I "get" boys a little more (it could possibly have something to do with the fact I have 7 bros and only 2 sisters). I feel like this world is even more scary for girls than ever, and will I be able to be the example and influence that she needs to be strong and pure? Confident and holy? Will I be strong enough to remain steady in her turbulant "becoming-a-woman" years?
I guess these issues are pretty far away at this point, but I can't help thinking about them. It's probably a good time to be working on becoming the woman I would like my girl to be...and praying up for the wisdom I am gonna be needing!